1x8 Stick Tag

1x8 Stick Tag

Code: 1x8


Product Details

This tag has plenty of room for larger text, it is 0ne inches wide and eight inches long, making it useful as a display label. One to three lines of text. Rounded corners and pointed end. 

Send the text in an email to harvey@metalplanttag.com it can be in the body of the email or as a text or spreadsheet attachment.

Some example text is below for the stick tag, the number in parentheses is the number of each wanted, we do all the formatting. Our standard font is Arial Narrow but we can use almost any font you want. 

Salvia apiana (3)

White Sage

Erythronium albidum (3)

White Trout Lily

Hamamelis vernalis 'Purpurea'

Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane'

Erythronium multiscapoideum (4)

Line 1: Silver Gem 

Line 2: White Nectarine (Prunus nucipersica)


Line 1: PF28 with Victoria graft   

Line 2: Peach (Prunus persica)
